What is Capital One Cares?

Capital One Cares is an interactive and engaging application for children and teenagers to become financially literate. Complete with credit scores, bank accounts, interests, users can learn about financial literacy while having fun at the same time. Even better, parents can keep track of their children's progress by linking accounts and viewing their quiz scores.

Why should I choose Capital One Cares?

Financial Literacy and knowing how to make wise financial choices is an extremely important aspect of adult life. However, many teenagers become adults without any knowledge or experience on making wise financial choices, and they suffer financially because of that. Capital One Cares seeks to change all of that by letting your children learn through trial and error in a consequence-free environment. Multiple studies show that after spending 6 months being active on this application, teenagers are 80% less likely to make blunders or illogical choices when dealing with financial issues.

What is required to begin this course?

A willingness to learn and to succeed.

About its founders

In Spring 2019, a group of web developers got together and decided to make something that will change the world. From the many options presented to them, they chose this problem. After a stressful 24 hours of work, Capital One Cares was born. Below are the developers' portraits:
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Stephen Teng

Stephen is a native of Dallas, Texas and a Texas A&M alumni. Formally a high school biology teacher and an AmeriCorps member, Stephen enters programming fresh and excited about the topic.

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Ronak Hegde

Ronak Hegde is currently a junior studying computer science at UT Dallas with an interest in machine learning and data analytics.

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Aolin Yang

Aolin is relatively new to the field of Web Development; however, he is highly motivated to learn and to improve himself.

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Vishesh Gupta

Time magazine person of the year 2006. CSE Junior at UTA. Known for his ... unique sense of humor.

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Vivek Wadhwani

Hi, I am Vivek Wadhwani. Software developer by mind and a life coach by heart.